Meeting Carbohydrates - Grains...In nutrition terms, the word “grain” usually refers to the seeds of grasses – but, not always. Wheat, rice, barley, rye and oats fit this grain- grass definition, but we...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Meeting Carbohydrates - Fruit...There’s a common misconception about diabetes and food – avoid sweets. It is true that our “Western diet” includes too much added sugar and too many concentrated sweets that everyone...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Best Whole Grains for Type 2 Diabetes...Grains are made from edible seeds or kernels, in their whole form, these contain three components—the endosperm, the germ, and the bran. Refined grains, found in cakes, cookies, or white...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Militus II...About six years a ago I was diagnosed Diabetes 2 (Militus 2) and for the rest of my life i have to take twice a day Janumet 850mg. Since a very...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments is the leading community for those with type 2 diabetes. It's time to get the support you deserve and the information you need. Sign up now for access to:...
Type 2 diabetes control without medication...Hi, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago. I couldn't stand the idea of injecting myself with insulin and taking Glucophage the rest of my life...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Understanding Diabetes Once You’ve Left Your Doctor’s Office (Part 2)...In the last post, I discussed some of the basics of diabetes, and what having it means. The thought of having diabetes can be scary and we can feel powerless...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Meeting Carbohydrates – Dairy...Most dietary carbohydrate comes from plants – sugars and syrup, fruits, grains, starchy vegetables, and beans, for example. But there is one source of dietary carbohydrate that we borrow from...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Meeting Carbohydrates - Starchy Vegetables...Plants are carbohydrate factories. Plants take the carbon dioxide we breathe out, mix with water, add energy from sunlight, and produce sugars, starches and fiber – the three categories of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Sugar Swaps – Easy Ways to Improve Your Carb Count...The average American man consumes around 335 calories from added sugars while women consume around 239 calories. That’s an alarming 15 to 21 teaspoons of sugar a day. New recommendations advise...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Eating Right When Eating Out...Imagine that you’re about to complete your advanced certification in healthy eating for type 2 diabetes. You know your meal plan backward and forward, and you can spot a carbohydrate...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Lizmari M. Collazo...Lizmari was previously an advocate for Lizmari M. Collazo is a person living with type 2 diabetes. She was diagnosed in 2009, after a couple of years of escalating...
Welcome to Stories...At we believe that we are stronger together than we are alone. Living with type 2 diabetes can be a challenge, but the more we share and support one...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
5 Little Known Ways to Lower Your Blood Glucose...Part of type 2 diabetes management involves achieving or maintaining the best weight for you! These foods when enjoyed in the right amounts can help you with blood glucose control...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
10 Things You Should Know About Type 2 Diabetes in America...What is the real impact of type 2 diabetes in America? The type 2 diabetes in America Study was conducted over the internet in April 2014. The primary goal of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Joanne Lyford...Joanne was previously an advocate for Diabetes touched me personally as an impressionable high school student. My older sister was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. As she began making...
Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE...Melissa is a nationally recognized nutrition educator and speaker, Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and wellness expert. Advocating for balanced nutrition at all ages and a healthy lifestyle, Melissa aims...