What Happens When Your Doctor Doesn't Treat You For A Illiness? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I was put on strong medication, but started having hallucinations and was taken off of it. But the thing is that...Reactions0reactionsComments17 repliesAwarenessCopingMedications
Is There A Link Between Osteoarthritis And Type 2 Diabetes?I was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I have had diabetes for years but managed to keep it under control. I was even allowed to stop my medication for a few...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingAwarenessTips & Advice
Tips I have recevied from your Email's I have learned new recipes from your email's. I have lost 43 pounds and you can eat good food if you are type2D. Kathleen Riggens...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessBlood Sugar ManagementDiet & Nutrition
My Experience with Type 2I was originally diagnosed in 2014. I was a walking example of all the classic symptoms. A1C was over 12 and morning reding was 335. My Dr called me in...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesAwarenessDiagnosisMedications
Confused NewbeI recently switched to a new PCP. My first blood test confirmed that I am a diabetic. I’m 78 and have faithfully taken annual physicals, which always included blood tests...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAwareness
Wife with type 2, denialHi all, new to the forum! My wife has type 2, doc put her on Met 2000mg per day plus ozempic. Bowel problems never eased up, she quit taking anything...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAwarenessTips & Advice
Warning: Transcend Glucose Gels are a Scam Be aware that Transcend Glucose Gels are a scam. They're targeting the diabetic community. Their gels and food products are not FDA approved and have caused Type 1 diabetics to...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwareness
how to keep track of diabetesWhen seconds matter, having a medical ID bracelet on can be lifesaving. Basic medical alert bracelets can assist EMS workers learn vital information about a patient, even if they are...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessBlood Sugar ManagementGlucose Meters & Monitors
I guess most people don't understand diabetesI've been pre-diabetic for the last 3 years and recently "crossed the line" into full blown Type II - A1C of 7.0. Everyone I know - family, friends and co-workers...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesAwarenessWork & EmploymentFriends & Family
Newly Diagnosed T2 27yr oldHi! My name is Taylor! I was diagnosed with T2D about a month ago. I have a family history of T2 on both sides of my family. So,when I got...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesAwarenessBlood Sugar ManagementCoping