I was originally diagnosed in 2014. I was a walking example of all the classic symptoms. A1C was over 12 and morning reding was 335. My Dr called me in and read me the riot act. Started Metformin and Lisonopril and a statin as Triglycerides were through the roof.
In 6 months I was down in the 7's on A1C. Over the years I struggled and was good for a few years even hitting 6.5. Then as time went I became lax and after my father had health issues and passed I finally went back and A1c was almost 9. That was on December 16 last year. Now after taking Metformin, Glyxambi,Glyburide and lisonopril and a Statin my last 3 mornings waking up have been 110,105 and 117.
Looking at the end of January to see my progress. Big Wake up Call!