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What Happens When Your Doctor Doesn't Treat You For A Illiness?

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I was put on strong medication, but started having hallucinations and was taken off of it. But the thing is that they never gave me anything else.

I asked my doctor about this once, but she said that the medications I was taking for other illnesses were enough.

We know every pain in our body and what causes it. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

  1. Wow!.Sounds like your doctor is worse than mine!
    I say PLEASE try to see another doctor.
    Look into pain management doctors.
    Do you have an actual fibro doctor or just a PCP?
    Some RA doctors treat fibro.
    You need relief sweetie.

    1. Hello , No, I don't have a fibro doctor. Just have a PCP who uses me as a guinea pig. I didn't know we had fibro doctors. I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist years ago. Yes, I was told to go to a pain management doctor. Thanks for sharing some great information. I have psoriatic arthritis also and that medication is supposed to help with fibro, but it doesn't. Do you take a whole separate medication for your fibromyalgia only?

      1. I take cymbalta.You take a 30 mg.dose and can go up to 60.
        I believe it helps.

        1. my antidepressant is in a capsule, so can’t cut it, and can’t take the beads out of capsule because it’s extended release. So I see a psychiatrist in January to have a talk about this, there is withdrawals with antidepressants to, you have to be very careful with psych drugs, and not everyone is the same, some are more sensitive lowering the dose and some are not and what I mean by that is some get withdrawl discontinue syndrome, and some don’t, coming down to a lower dose can cause nausea, dizziness and insomnia ect.

        2. You are right to be careful, . If you come off antidepressants too quickly, it can also cause some pretty wild mood swings. Maybe your psuchiatrist can switch you to a similar medication that can be cut back on more slowly. January is not that far away. It will be here before you know it. I hope you are able to work something out with your psychiatrist. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

      2. I think it was about 1 month.i upped to 60 mg. As of May 2023 ,my therapist (CBT) put me on 30 mg. more for depression control.

        1. , Have you noticed if it's helped with managing your depression at all?
          Gabby (team member)

        2. Hello , I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. Did you see any changes when more medication was added in? Let us know how you are doing. We would love to hear from you.

          Diane (Team Member)

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