Post ShinglesI’ve stayed in good control with lifestyle & Berberine for years, but since my nasty Shingles bout, my numbers are WAY UP. Tried 2 months of Metformin (1000mg/2per day) ...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesComplicationsBlood Sugar Management
Diabetic CardiomyopathyI am a long term diabetic having been diagnosed in summer of 1997. I began seeing a cardiologist in 2021 for frequent PVC's which resulted in an effective heart rate...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesComplications
I'm I cured?In 2021 my A1c was 5.4... Last June (2024) after being severely ill for a year... my man rushed me to the ER to find my Blood Sugar was 400...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesComplications
What do you do for diabetic foot pain?I have severe and constant neuropathy in both of my feet. The pain at times is unbearable. What do you do to manage the pain? I want to walk and...Reactions0reactionsComments207 repliesComplicationsTreatment
Does anyone have red itchy feet (especially in evening)?Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsComplications
Daytime SleepinessHow many out there experience daytime sleepiness? Daily, it never fails, a nap from Noon to 2pm. I need to shake this and I have sleep apnea. The CPAP machine...Reactions0reactionsComments19 repliesTips & AdviceComplicationsSleep
Discolored toeSenior woman, most likely had gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies. I’ve had prediabetes for decades, maybe most of my life. All relatives have either prediabetes or T2D. Despite being...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesComplications
does low blood sugar cause strange dreamsI am having recurring dreams about having low blood sugar. When I wake up I actually have low blood sugar....Reactions0reactionsComments27 repliesSymptomsBlood Sugar ManagementComplications
Concerns About Partner's Diabetes History and Genetic RiskHello everyone, I'm new to this forum, and I'm reaching out for advice and guidance regarding a situation in my life that's causing me a great deal of concern. I've...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesComplicationsDiagnosisFriends & Family
Bruise on footGood Day people I am new here and thank you for having me. I noticed a bruise.on top of my foot yesterday and I never injured my foot. I never...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBlood Sugar ManagementComplications