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Daytime Sleepiness

How many out there experience daytime sleepiness? Daily, it never fails, a nap from Noon to 2pm. I need to shake this and I have sleep apnea. The CPAP machine is horrible and I'm working on it. I simply need this to go away.

  1. I am constantly tired and had more than enough

    1. Hello , I understand what you are saying. I got my first chronic illness at 5 years old; that was in 1963. You try to fix one thing and something else pops up. Have you had a chance to talk to your healthcare team about the symptoms you are having/ We would like to hear more from you. Diane (Team Member)

    2. It's all I do. My temporary replacement GP won't take website discussion/instructions and has me making an appointment a month away for a simple referral to a specialist. The healthcare system here in Canada is third rate at best. He gets replaced with my normal GP in September. Hurry up and wait, every time.

  2. The problem is that T2 might be brought on by sleep apnea, or the other way around. I've been talking to multiple doctors and they're pretty much useless with any decent conversation about the topic.

    1. How maddening, . Are you planning to find someone need or have you had enough of dieticians right now? The bike is such good exercise. I hope you are able to shake things up a bit and get past this plateau. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I don't need a dietician. I'm on a program, but hit a plateau.

  3. Hi . I responded to your question about excessive daytime sleepiness elsewhere, so I'll address the CPAP issues here. I also moderate in our sister community for people with sleep apnea. My husband uses a CPAP as well. It can take a lot of trial and error to find a solution that is right for you, but it is critical that you try, Untreated sleep apnea can lead to stroke or heart attack and the lack of quality sleep can cause your blood sugars to go out of control. Here is an article about solutions to common CPAP problems: Here is another about finding the right mask: You can work with the store that first filled your CPAP prescription to find a better fit. Forget the online supplier. They are useless when it comes to those issues. Finally, here is an article about sleep apnea treatments: If you have tried everything and still can't find a mask that works for you, maybe you will find another type of treatment is more effective. My husband hated his CPAP when he had a full face mask, but he has used the nasal pillow for more than a decade and can't imagine sleeping without it. His daytime sleepiness issues improved tremendously and his heart, which was enlarged on one side, returned to normal with regular use. I hope this helps and that you find a treatment that is comfortable and effective for you. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi Lori. Thanks for the reply. Ya my nasal mask is ok but I simply can't sleep well with it. I also get claustrophobic using it, so I can only think a face mask will get me even worse. I've been using the cpap with good numbers, but it simply won't be sustainable. I still have my tonsils so that might be an option.

      1. Hi . Here is an article about devices for sleep apnea: If you scroll past the CPAP section, you'll see there are also dental devices that can help. - Lori (Team Member)

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