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How many out there experience daytime sleepiness? Daily, it never fails, a nap from Noon to 2pm. I need to shake this and I have sleep apnea. The CPAP machine is horrible and I'm working on it. I simply need this to go away.
CommunityMember532e5d Member
I am constantly tired and had more than enough
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
daBee Member
daBee Member
The problem is that T2 might be brought on by sleep apnea, or the other way around. I've been talking to multiple doctors and they're pretty much useless with any decent conversation about the topic.
Lori.Foster Community Admin
How maddening,
daBee Member
Lori.Foster Community Admin
daBee Member
Hi Lori. Thanks for the reply. Ya my nasal mask is ok but I simply can't sleep well with it. I also get claustrophobic using it, so I can only think a face mask will get me even worse. I've been using the cpap with good numbers, but it simply won't be sustainable. I still have my tonsils so that might be an option.
Lori.Foster Community Admin