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Discolored toe

Senior woman, most likely had gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies. I’ve had prediabetes for decades, maybe most of my life. All relatives have either prediabetes or T2D.
Despite being prediabetic, I’ve had neuropathy for years. Toes don’t feel much, and I can no longer take my pulse manually, cannot feel it. Last couple of days I notice I have a discolored toe, from tip down to the closest joint. Toe feels maybe scaly, hard to tell. I do see a podiatrist for nail trims. Due to artificial joints, limited range of motion, bad eyes, I cannot see any cuts or blisters on the toe, am clueless of any injuries. Never go barefoot. I find, with many, many years’ personal experience, I do better when I can keep my A1C at 5.1-5.2. Currently 5.6.

Do I call the podiatrist right away for this toe? Is it even possible prediabetes and neuropathy are at play with a discolored toe?

  1. , I also have a family history of diabetes, several of them have had there toes aputated. I would say yes to seeing a doctor as soon as possible to find out what is going on. Let us know what is going on with you. When are you going to make that appointment? Diane (Team Member)

    1. I will try to call tomorrow. I’ve got a CT scan tomorrow, plus have to go pick up cardiology record at hospital, an appointment with one of my other docs, and an afternoon Zoom call. Should be able to fit in sometime between appointments.
      Thanks for the nudge. I kinda knew what I needed to do, but was hoping I could handle a maybe minor issue myself. I’m afraid no issue is minor, where diabetes is concerned.

      1. Hi . Please let us know how it goes. The discoloration might not be due to diabetes but, clearly, something serious is happening. Has your cardiologist ever tested the circulation in your legs or mentioned peripheral artery disease? Thinking of you and sending lots of healthy vibes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Thank you for your concern. And no, the cardiologist has not so much as taken my pedi pulse. Nor the internist I’ve had for a year. (My prior internist moved away). Over Easter weekend I was in the hospital ER, had 36 hours straight of PVCs, PACs. Got it on an EKG. And the continuous monitor confirmed the continual irregular heartbeats. Yet he decided it was my lungs (I have ILD, Bird Breeders Lung, no more pet parrots, have been fine for years). He went down the rabbit hole, ordered a breathing treatment. Lung doctors haven’t used albuterol for at least 20 years for ILD. Then he asked how I felt afterward. Told him no better. He said he felt I was better, discharged me. I had to have hubs assistance to walk out, still dizzy and disoriented. Still having the irregular beats, still received no treatment for what I went in for. F/U with cardiologist and pulmy. Cardio pronounced me just fine, and he’s supposed to be a very good cardio. Lung doc shook his head, said my lungs did not cause the heart issues. Have a F/U CT scan today just to make sure lungs are okay, even tho the chest X-ray done in the ER was clear. It’s maddening, having the medical profession ignoring women’s heart symptoms. Despite strong family history of heart disease. Cardio said I had anxiety, and blamed my heart symptoms on GERD, despite me taking Tums Ultra, maximum dose, which didn’t affect the premature beats. It’s how women are dismissed in the US. I have a second opinion appt in August, but medical care here is a crap shoot, terrible doctors here. And I’m choosing the best ones of what’s available.

      1. Hi . Unfortunately, sometimes the best doctors fail to see what's right in front of them. Have you considered a second opinion from a new cardiologist? You wouldn't have to leave your current doctor for that. It might bring you more comfort if they would give you a heart monitor to wear for a period of time and evaluate the circulation in your legs. I am glad you are aware how often the cardiac symptoms of woman are discounted and that you are advocating for yourself. Fingers crossed for a good appointment today! - Lori (Team Member)

    3. Thank you again. The second opinion, different cardiologist, different medical group, is scheduled for August. I didn’t make myself clear, sorry. Got the chest CT done, got the Easter ER medical records, picked up the meds samples (bless the doctor who understands I cannot afford the only medicine that works for a medical condition, which Medicare won’t pay for). Relaxing just a few before the Zoom call? Oh wait, I need a small lunch snack. lol. And need to call the podiatrist for a look-see.

      1. Awesome! I am glad you have a second opinion scheduled. I hope you are able to get in with a podiatrist soon. You might want to take a photo of your toe and do so every few days until you get an appointment. That way your doctor will be able to see any changes. It might help in getting a diagnosis. - Lori (Team Member)

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