Is there a right kind of yogurt I should be eating?I love having yogurt for lunch and usually I buy Yoplait because I love the pineapple flavor, but unfortunately it only comes in original. Any ideas for me?...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesDiet & Nutrition
This is closing my futureWell, I thought I had this licked with a plant-based low glycemic index diet. I've lost 14 kg in 2 months. I've done well with this approach before. However my...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesCopingDiet & NutritionWork & Employment
Dieting And Taking MedicationThey said there is no dumb question, so here we go. Why do our doctors insist on us eating right, but give us medication? I know that the medication is...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesCopingDiet & Nutrition
We Are More Then Our Weight With Type 2 DiabetesThis is a great statement, but getting healthy is very important too. What do you do to stay on track? Do you do daily weigh-ins? Do you keep a diary...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessDiet & Nutrition
Do You Have High Colesterol?I can almost remember the first time I ever heard this word. I was 28 years old. I went to a health fair. My numbers were over 250. I remember...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiet & NutritionCoping
How Many Servings Of Fruits A Day Can Lower Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes?My doctor told me to eat more fruit, but she never said which ones to eat. I know that all fruits are not good for us. For me, it all...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesCopingDiet & Nutrition
What do ya'll snack on?I'm not only trying to gain weight but I get the munchies during the day. I may no longer be pre-diabetic but I'd like to keep it that way so...Reactions0reactionsComments18 repliesDiet & NutritionTips & Advice
How Do You Get Over Diabetic Burnout?I believe that most of us go through a time when we get frustrated with trying to monitor our lives day in and day out. There are days I feel...Reactions0reactionsComments30 repliesDiet & Nutrition
SurprisedHELLO, I am 68 and two years ago dx with type two and Hashimoto thyroiditis. Very surprised because no one in my family has diabetes. I am still trying to...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsDiet & Nutrition
Diagnosed As Pre-Diabetic: How Do I Manage?Hi all, I'll try and keep this brief. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes a few months ago. Still in shock You could say. I've always taken such care of my...Reactions0reactionsComments119 repliesBlood Sugar ManagementDiet & NutritionPrediabetes