How Much Fat Can People with Diabetes Have Each Day?
Diane Talbert
Last Updated:
I read that we should limit fat to 25%-35% of our total daily calories. Is this something that you stick to? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)
I've heard similar. Sadly most of my food is either protein or fat but I am trying to bring the carbs up. I'm experimenting with some things I've read about sugar increasing metabolism and lack of magnesium being one of the main causes of diabetes.
Diane Talbert Member
Last Updated:
Hello , thanks for chiming in. There is so much information out there. And because I have several chronic illness, I have to watch what I eat and drink all around. Thanks for sharing. Diane (Team Member)
SargeMaximus Member
Last Updated:
yes I also have issues (food intolerances) so I have to watch as well. I love learning about foods s Tho and what can potentially help
Kent.leigh Member
Last Updated:
The more fat the better. Fat does not break down to glucose so has no impact on diabetics.