Long acting insulinI've been experimenting some with my insulins because my numbers are all over the place. For the last week I haven't taken the 120 units of Toujeo Max I'm prescribed...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesInsulinA1cBlood Sugar Management
Tips on t2 numbersWhat should my numbers be between meals? I'm told to keep between 90-120. Last a1c was 7.2. Taking 500mg metformin and 1 mg glimepiride 1x a day. Thanks for your...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesBlood Sugar ManagementA1c
A1CLosing my mind, up and down , don’t know how to keep a steady number???Very frustrating !...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesA1c
How do I lower my ac1No matter how careful I am I can't seem to lower ac1...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesA1c
Weird unexpected blood sugar lowering foods and spicesI am my own guinea pig in finding unexpected glucose lowering effects from common foods and spices...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesBlood Sugar ManagementA1c
Excercise I had one kidney removed because of cancer and have a tumor on remaining one with a GFR of 16 and a creatinine level of 3.97. I have chronic back...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesA1c
Prickly pear (nopal) for type 2 diabetesRecently, I bought some prickly pear cactus tea. I want to try it as a way to lower A1C and blood sugar readings. However, I can't find any guidance as...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesBlood Sugar ManagementA1c
Does any insurance cover OzempicI am 66 years old and have uncontrolled type 2. My last A1C was 11.9 and I am terrified. I have had 4 back surgeries so exercise is limited. I...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesA1cBlood Sugar Management