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Why does blood glucose if 90 feel hypoglycemic

I am T2D and have succeeded in bringing my blood glucose down from A1C of 9.3 to 6.1 without insulin. Weight loss, exercise, better diet.

During the day between meals it sometimes drops to around 90 and I feel terrible - weak and shaky. Is this normal? I thought that was a normal range.

  1. Hi . We are not medical experts, but 90 is close to 70, which is considered low. I wonder if your body is not used to such low blood sugar or whether it might actually be even lower before you take the reading. Have you talked with your doctor about it? I hope others will chime in with their own experiences. Congratulations on bringing your A1C down so low without medication. That's awesome! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Lori - I’m meeting with my doctor later this week and will ask. I’m still trying to understand how to eat correctly - maybe need to have some small snacks.

      1. Hi . Small snacks that are high in protien and/or fiber can really help stabilize your blood sugar. Here are a couple of articles with snack ideas that might interest you: and Have you seen a dietician yet? If not, you might want to ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician who specializes in diabetes. The visits are usually covered by insurance and can be really helpful in figuring out what to eat when. I hope your appointment goes well. - Lori (Team Member)

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