A coffee cup with a red arrow pointing up on it sits in front of a sunrise

5 Causes of High Blood Sugar

You have diabetes, so it is essential to keep your blood sugar levels within a reasonable range. Poor control of blood sugar levels over time can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, and eye problems.1

What can cause high blood sugar levels?

Do you know what causes your blood sugar levels to spike? When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I tested my blood sugar often to get an idea of what caused my blood glucose to spike. Some things surprised me, others did not, but it was a great study to know what causes those annoying spikes. Here are 5 factors that can impact your blood sugar.

1. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sugar packets

Foods with artificial sweeteners can contain high amounts of carbohydrates from starches. Be on the lookout for total carbohydrates on the nutrition label. Also, pay attention to those sugar alcohols. For example, xylitol and sorbitol can increase your blood sugar level. Yes, they add sweetness with fewer carbs, but that does not mean they are without carbohydrates, so they could have just enough to raise your levels.2

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2. Caffeine


Your morning cup of coffee could hinder your glucose levels and put a spike in your meter reading. Energy drinks and caffeine-filled beverages are what you have to be aware of. You can do your own testing to determine if caffeine is an issue. If you find spiked blood glucose, you may want to give it up altogether or at least cut back.

3. The dawn phenomenon

a sun rising through a window

What is the dawn phenomenon, you ask? It's a period of high blood sugar right after waking up from nighttime sleep. The rise in glucose is because the body makes less insulin and more glucagon, a hormone that can increase your blood glucose. If you tend to have high morning readings, you may want to discuss this with your doctor or diabetes educator so you can better identify the problem and take some steps to correct it.3

4. A bad night's sleep

a person trying to sleep

Even one bad night's sleep can throw your blood glucose off. Sleep is restorative, and our bodies need sleep to restore our bodies. Our body will react and even raise our blood glucose if we do not get enough sleep. If you're not getting proper sleep and it has become a problem for you, bring it up with your doctor or diabetes educator, and they can discuss what you can do to help in getting more sleep.

5. Having a bad cold

tissue box

If you have an infection, the most important factor is to stay hydrated. Water will help keep you hydrated. Make sure you visit a doctor if you have had diarrhea or vomiting for more than a few hours or if you have been sick and are not feeling any better by the third day.

Be aware that medications like decongestants can help clear your sinuses but can affect your blood sugar. You may want to test more often while on medication so you can see how it affects your body.4

Taking control of your blood sugar is empowering. Not always will we know what is going to make our sugar levels spike, but studying your own body and getting to know what and what does not cause spikes is a great way to live.

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