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10 Things I do and don’t look forward to for the holidays

10 Things I Do and Don’t Look Forward to for the Holidays

Ten things I look forward to for the holidays

  1. Spending down time with my husband. Life is so busy, we don’t get enough down time.
  2. My ‘kids’ coming home. One lives in a city close by. The other will be home from university.
  3. No work. No commuting! I’m fortunate enough that I don’t have to go to work between Christmas and New Years. Less stress will help keep my blood sugars in line.
  4. Rest. I plan on catching up on some much needed sleep. Very important to my diabetes.
  5. Cooking Christmas Eve supper. Yum!
  6. No cooking on Christmas Day! Just eating the leftovers from Christmas Eve.
  7. Staying in my pjs all day, Christmas Day. It’s our family tradition.
  8. Driving around the city to see all the homes decorated for Christmas. Some are pretty amazing!
  9. Going bowling as a family. That’s a blast! And getting out for a walk or helping to shovel snow. I only want enough snow to shovel, not enough that needs the snowblower.
  10. Not having to be somewhere at a certain time. I’m heavily scheduled most days. Again, less stress.

Ten things I don’t look forward to for the holidays

  1. Having to worry about what I’m eating.
  2. Having to check my blood sugars so I don’t worry.
  3. Realizing again that even when I’m ‘good’ my blood sugars might disagree.
  4. Having to think twice, about everything related to my diabetes.
  5. Sometimes feeling bad that I’m diabetic. Why me? I feel sorry for myself sometimes during the holidays.
  6. Feeling internal pressure to get some exercise to help my blood sugars that won’t come down anyway because I’m worrying about them...and so on.
  7. Knowing that within a month of my wonderful holiday, I see my endocrinologist. What will my A1C be this time?
  8. Waving goodbye to the kids when they go off again to their own lives. I always miss them a little but am so very proud of them both.
  9. Clean up after cooking. Yuck. Oh well, I guess it’s some exercise.
  10. What if it’s a green Christmas? I like a white Christmas on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. After that, the snow can go away.

All in all, I’m sure it will be a great holiday even though diabetes will always be in the back of my mind.

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