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Why Are Diabetes Medications Out Of Stock?

It seems that a few well-known diabetes medications are not in stock right now in several states. Are you having problems getting your medications? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. I’m in Wisconsin and I can’t get Trulicity, which is the only diabetes supplement my insurance will cover.

    1. Hello . Trulicity and Mounjaro are the ones that are out of stock here. They have Rebulus, but the co-pay is $700. The doctor is looking for other alternatives. Did your healthcare team suggest you take anything else in place of Trulicity? Thanks for sharing. Diane (Team Member)

  2. Yes, I have experience medication shortages for Mounjaro and CGM

    1. That must be frustrating, . Have you ever had to go without for long? - Lori (Team Member)

  3. 2 weeks

    1. Wow, . That is a long time to go without medication for type 2 diabetes. That could have been dangerous. Was your doctor of any help? - Lori (Team Member)

    2. My husband had to go about 2 weeks without his insulin also. I was scared, he wasn't. The crazy part is that his doctor called in several different ones to the pharmacist. He was even told to try other states. He finally got it, but it was a rough couple of weeks. How are you doing? Diane (Team Member)

  4. Oh my goodness that is super scary. I’m glad your husband is okay and to me men are so much calmer than women. I am doing much better. I had thyroid surgery back in April of this year and it was rough for a little a while. I can breathe so much better now. My thyroid was enlarged so big that it was crushing my wind pipe.
    I didn’t think I was going to make it some days. How have you been?

    1. OMG!!! I am so sorry you have been dealing with so much. My father who is 90 is starting to have thyroid problems. I can hardly understand what he is saying at times. He also has some vein issues going on in his legs. I actually thought these were connected, but he has to see separate doctors.

      I'm so happy you are feeling better. I am hanging in there or at least trying. I just found out I have chronic kidney disease. I didn't see this coming. I will continue to live my life to the fullest. Just got back from the Bahamas and now on my way to New Orleans in a few weeks.

      You take care of yourself and I will try and do the same. You are so right, men are calmer. All he wanted to do was go fishing - in this 100-degree weather.

      Oh, I forgot to mention that they think it is my medication that causes my kidneys to start failing. Never a dull moment. Diane (Team Member)

    2. Oh Diane I am sorry that you are experiencing issues with your kidneys. Please check and see if it is your medication. I hope you have a wonderful time in New Orleans. All the guys I work with love to go fishing. Take care of yourself Diane . You’re right never a dull moment. May I ask what medicine do you think is causing a problem? it might be a medication I’m taking as well as too.

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