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Switched to Metformin Extended Release and my blood sugar is much higher?

I was on regular Metformin twice a day. Just recently in the last 2 months really started getting serious with low carb. Within 2 weeks I got my fasting blood sugar to 120 (per blood test at the dr) A1C was 10.9 but had only been doing Keto for 2 weeks. At home it was coming down after meals. Never went over 200. I switched to Metformin Extended Release a few weeks ago and noticed my vision getting blurrier again (it was clearing up a bit) and peeing more. Been checking my blood sugar and it’s between 250 and 270. Still eating very low carb. The only other changes I have made is taking iron and ferritin pills due to anemia. Could those cause a spike or is it the change in Metformin. It can’t be the food. I am eating well, drinking water (forcing it since I haven’t been as thirsty while eating low carb) and exercising.

  1. Hi . Have you reached out to your doctor? I wonder whether the extended release dose is lower than the twice daily dose. I would contact your doctor right away and ask for some advice. You might also want to talk to your pharmacist about the differences between the twice daily dose and the extended real at the doses you have been prescribed. Your pharmacist might have insight you can share with your doctor. Keep us updated if you don't mind. I'll be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I was told in the diabetes classes to be careful with any added medications when you have diabetes because it can change your sugars, you said you take iron for anemia and ferritin not sure what ferritin is but I would talk to a pharmacist and ask if these interact with your Metformin and ask if this could those two pills ( iron, ferritin) can cause sugars to go up.

      1. With keto diet, be carful because you could be lacking iron because of the keto diet, are you eating enough meat with this diet. Did you tell your doctor you started the keto diet. Be very careful with diets, you could be lacking valuable dietary foods.

        1. I stopped metformin because it made me feel sick. Docs tried to make me get back on them, but I refused period. They gave up and put me on insulin. The insulin injections are working good.

          1. I am glad you found something that works without making you sick, . Thanks for chiming in. - Lori (Team Member)

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