Long story short, annual fasting glucose tests were creeping up (112 the most recent). Doc wasn't concerned said to just watch because I was already exercising and at a good weight - I was simply getting old (70 soon). After several years, I called BS and forced an A1c test. It came back 5.8 which is formally pre-diabetic. My next step was to get a Libra 2 CGM.
I've logged my meals and found out that a small amount of carbs spikes to upwards of 200 and 271 is the highest I've seen. This was from eating oatmeal which I love and fruit.
I've noted how various foods affect the spikes and have a pretty good handle on the process. When I eat something low carb like a tofu scramble instead of oatmeal, sugar stays in the 140s.
I ride a bicycle lots of miles (5,000-6,000 this year) and it feels like going really low carb doesn't get me enough energy to ride. That may be because I've only recently cut down on carbs to find out how the spikes are affected.
My question is what measures to focus on? How high is it healthy to let the spikes go? Do I accept 160 or 200 spike or whatever as long as my daily average is some specified number? What average? How high is healthy for the spike.
I've been mostly WFPB for a while and don't want to start back on animal products but I do need more calories to support my activity level.
I've always tried to get healed enough to not need any meds. That's my objective here.