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CJ Walker
Last Updated:
What are you doing to prepare for summer as someone with diabetes?
Do you pack an emergency preparedness kit with your diabetes necessities while traveling or in case of inclement weather?
CommunityMemberb5b241 Member
Type 2
CommunityMemberfc1ce8 Member
Carry thermos flasks with lots of iced tea
CommunityMember2d169c Member
I make tea by the gallon using Lipton and then add the flavoring per glass. I'm experimenting with flavors.
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
, thanks for sharing. I have never been much of a tea drinker. Which ones would you recommend? Diane (Team Member)
CommunityMemberd199ba Member
I keep 6 bottles of water in my car in case I am stuck in traffic or breakdown. I always carry something to drink when I leave the house
CJ Walker Moderator & Contributor
that’s a great idea! Thank you for chiming in! - CJ (Team Member)
, I really need to do this also. How do you keep it chill in this hot weather? Thanks for sharing. Diane (Team Member)
CommunityMemberf11c13 Member
Never leave the house without water.
lauren.mullin Community Admin
Smart idea. Traveling with a water bottle is important. -Lauren (team member)