I've been pre-diabetic for the last 3 years and recently "crossed the line" into full blown Type II - A1C of 7.0. Everyone I know - family, friends and co-workers - knows this yet I received several Christmas gifts of boxes of candy (one from my sister who is a nurse). Whenever there are treats in the office, people are always asking me if I've had any, and when I say no thanks, they want to know why. My co-worker baked cookies this morning, stood in my cubicle eating one and kept reminding me that there were only a few left and I'd better get one. I get tired of saying "I can't have that". I've made it well known lately that I'm trying very hard to keep my BG under control. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, I just would like them to stop making this harder than it has to be. I guess I'm going to have to start being a little more firm about telling people no. I don't want to be rude, but people just don't seem to get it.