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I Don't Know What's Worst The Cold Or The Heat

My body temperature is out of control. My hands are always cold and my legs are hot. I think I've got a problem with body temperature regulation. I spend most of my days turning on the heat, and then turning on the air conditioner. I feel like my internal thermostat is broken.

Does anyone else have this problem? I would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. *Raises hand... I surely do. my feet and lower legs are always cold and my hands stay warm. I literally ride with the heater on directed towards my feet (Its still 90+ degrees in August in Texas). So I definitely understand this one. B. Keith Crear III ( Team Member)

    1. , Oh, my goodness, it is just crazy!! I have been married for 26 years. I know it is driving my husband and the dogs crazy!! Thanks for chiming in. Diane (Team Member)

  2. Thyroid issue possibly. I used to have this all the time. Diet fixed it. If you want a different result you need to make changes.

    1. , You get some rest. All I want to do every day is eat!!!

    2. Strangely my appetite isn't as large today. For breakfast I had 2 fried eggs, 1/4 cup walnuts, 6 cherry tomatoes, peanut butter, coconut oil, tiny bit of honey, and a banana. Just been drinking coffee since then.

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