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Diane Talbert
Last Updated:
I usually handle stress pretty well, but recently I feel things are out of control. With everything that is going on in the world and talk of the government shutdown, I feel more stressed than usual.
I find myself just eating anything and everything, especially ice cream. (daily) It's like I have no control over my life right now and it's not bothering me. I just want to eat.
What do you do to get over stressful moments? Do you have these times in your life where you feel you have no control and it doesn't bother you? Especially something you have no control over anyway.
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simba Member
Last Updated:
Oh yes, I have it right now, stress and more stress, back problems very bad, husband stresses me out. Wishing my mom was here, Covid stress, don’t know if I should get anymore vaccines, causes me stress, medication stress, not diabetes meds, no one to talk to that understands, stress and diabetes, money stress, not sleeping. I was awake till 6 am this morning could not shut my brain off. Finally slept till 2 o’clock to many nights likes this. Without my mom to talk to I just can’t relieve my stress.
simba Member
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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Diane Talbert Member
Last Updated:
I understand the sleepless nights, with so much going on in all of our lives. Every day there is something new going on in the world that we have to worry about. The only thing I can say is to take it one day at a time. This is a great community if you need to talk. There are days we just need someone to listen.
simba Member
Last Updated:
All my friends have moved away, but they didn’t really understand either. When my husbands brother died by suicide alls I wanted was my mom. And his other brother died of cancer like my mom, and it brought it all back of when my mom was sick and in hospice. I couldn’t even go visit him it was during Covid to. I just couldn’t bring myself to go through that again. I feel guilty for that. It was very hard seeing him through his cancer journey he looked so frail. And trying to keep my sugars good through all this was hard, trying to not eat things that you shouldn’t is sooooooooo hard so I can relate to you on that trust me.Before diabetes I never had stress, and could handle stressors but trying to control sugars while grieving or wishing my mom was here through all this. Is very difficult. It’s been a while since all this took place but it’s the after that makes it hard to cope the memories. I do talk to a counsellor but she’s not diabetes informed, so I think it’s harder to relate.
lauren.mullin Community Admin
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simba Member
Last Updated:
I do my diabetes by diet and excercise, the best I can, I don’t want to take medication because of the side effects. I have a hard time with medications, the one I take for depression is causing so many side effects constipation, grogginess, actually I don’t think it was depression it was a few weeks after I was diagnosed with diabetes, that I was put on antidepressants, I was so new at being a diabetic and overwhelmed and scared, after others told me all the scary things that could happen and no support after hearing all this of course your going to be scared and trying to get my diet in place was really overwhelming I was in tears. My spouse was not very understanding because he didn’t have diabetes at the time this was 11 years ago, he found out 2 years ago he has it now to, he seems more angry about it. Everyone is different. I was the one who figured it out that he had it, he was losing weight and blurry vision, so I said I want to check your sugars with my meter and sure enough his sugars were 22, so I said you need to go to the doctors and he did, and he did all what you do a fasting test, ect. And was put on Metformin,, Thank god I knew what to look out for and did the finger prick with my meter. It’s been a lot in these past few years. And still not a lot of support for all of this. I was scared to be home alone in case I got a low, when I was diagnosed, I hate the diet restrictions, it’s hard when you go out for dinner, it’s fustrating when you eat at someone’s house for dinner, and there’s not much you can eat because of your diabetes, ect ect there’s so many factors around diabetes that doctors just don’t get or other family members.
Diane Talbert Member
Last Updated: