Why is My Glucose Going Up After Breakfast

My waking reading was 156. I decided to eat 2 eggs fried in a butter pat, 3 slices of crispy bacon, and a coffee with a smidge of 1/2 and 1/2. I took 2 glimepiride.

I'm working remotely today and had to listen to a Zoom about new health benefits as it is this time of year. While listening, rather than sitting idly, I cleaned the kitchen counter, swept the floor, stiffened the floor, and I was feeling ill.

My glucose went up to 226. WHY? This makes zero sense to me. When my glucose is high, I opt for little carbs; contained in the 1/2 and 1/2 in this instance. Sometimes, I will just have a hardboiled egg in the morning if it is high. I do not understand why it went up instead of at the very least, sticking around the same number, particularly since I was a bit active at the same time.

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