a woman breaking through a wall

How to Be a “Glucose Goddess” in 4 Simple Steps

If you're reading this, you probably already know I have diabetes. For me, learning that I had diabetes was actually a positive experience. It sounds strange, but shifting my perspective helped me see my health in a new light.

My glucose "glow-up"

Before my diagnosis, I basically ignored my health. I ate whatever I wanted, didn't exercise, and didn't think about the long-term effects of my choices. But learning that I had type 2 diabetes was a wake-up call. It made me realize that I needed to start taking better care of myself to maintain my health in the long run.

As a result, I started making small healthier choices. And while it hasn't been easy, I'm happy to say that my efforts have paid off. My blood sugar is now under control, and I feel better than ever. Thanks to my diabetes diagnosis, I'm a healthier person today. I like to think of myself now as a "glucose goddess."

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So, how did I turn my diabetes diagnosis into a positive? Here are 4 things that have helped me successfully manage my diabetes. Maybe these tips can guide you on your type 2 diabetes journey.

1. Reframe your perspective of type 2 diabetes

I used to think of having diabetes as a completely negative thing. I saw diabetes as a limitation and something that made me different from others. But now, I see it as an opportunity. Diabetes is an opportunity to take better care of myself and be more intentional about my health.

I've learned that by taking care of myself, I'm helping prevent the complications associated with diabetes. And so, in a way, I see my diabetes as a positive thing. It's a chance for me to be more intentional about living healthier.

2. Romanticize the mundane parts of care

Drinking water and checking my blood sugar were initially dull and annoying. I would chug water from the tap and grumble about having to prick my finger multiple times a day. But now, I see these seemingly mundane tasks as an opportunity to show my body some love.

I drink water from a fancy water bottle and store my diabetic supplies in a beautiful bag. I take care of myself because I deserve it. I deserve to be hydrated and healthy; I deserve to be treated with care, even when it's just me taking care of myself. I romanticize the mundane parts of taking care of myself because I know that taking care of myself is an act of self-love. And I deserve all the self-love in the world.

3. Add physical activity to your routine

I was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, and since then, I've incorporated physical activity into my diabetes management plan. I exercise regularly by doing activities I enjoy, such as going for walks, taking yoga classes, and doing at-home exercises. Physical activity is essential to managing diabetes because it helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable. I'm careful to listen to my body and not overdo it, but I feel so much better when I'm active.

4. Prioritize eating a healthy diet

As a person with diabetes, I know that proper nutrition is crucial for managing my condition. I make sure to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. I limit my consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods. Everyone's body is different, and consulting with a registered dietitian can be a great tool to find a healthy eating plan that works for you!

Find what works for you

By following these tips, I've been able to become a "glucose goddess." I'm more intentional about my health and doing everything I can to stay healthy in the long run! These 4 approaches have worked for me, and I hope they can help others struggling to control their diabetes.

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