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Protein In urine

I have been googling and reading on this subject. Dr. Put me on farxiga.
Causing constipation. Going to the dr. Soon and will ask questions about kidney function and if I need to see a dietitian or a nepherologist

  1. Hi . Are you newly diagnosed or have you had Type 2 diabetes for a while? It can be unsettling to hear you might have issues with kidney function, but I hope this was caught early and that your doctor can help you bring those numbers down with input from a specialist. I know you have done a lot of research already, but I thought I would share this article with you because it gives a good overview of the kidney issues that can be caused by Type 2 diabetes and the various tests: Did you talk with your doctor about the constipation? Here is an article about Type 2 diabetes and constipation that might interest you: If it continues to be a problem, there are lots of other medications you can try. I hope your appointment goes well. Keep us updated if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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