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Lowering A1c with diet and exercise alone (no medication)

Hello everyone,
I would like to hear from people who have succeeded in lowering their A1c without taking medication.
My A1c was 6.5%.
I am trying the diet and exercise approach before I go on medecine.
Is there any hope for me?
I am not overweight but I do have some fat around my wasted.
Before the diagnosis, I ate a lot of sweets.
I have now made drastic changes in my diet.
No added sugar, no deserts, no simple carbs (rice, pasta and potatoes).
I replaced those carbs with (small portions of) quinoa, brown rice,…

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! It's awesome that you are motivated to address your type 2 diabetes with dietary and lifestyle changes. You will find lots of people here who have succeeded in lowering their A1C without medication and are willing to help. It sounds like you have made some major changes already. How often do you check your blood sugar? Your efforts won't really be reflected in your A1C for about three months, but you can tell whether you are on the right track by checking your blood sugar at regular intervals throughout the day.
    Do you feel like the changes you have made so far are sustainable? One key to success is eating some fiber and/or protien whenever you have carbs. Fiber and protien slow digestion, giving your body more time to work on carbohydrates. I hope you get lots of feedback from the community. Know we are here for you whenever you need us. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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