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How do I set food to eat?

I need help in how to set my diet?

  1. Hi . A new diagnosis can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Keep in mind that you have been eating one way for decades. Give yourself time to learn new things about nutrition and new ways of eating. Many people find it easier to focus on one thing for a few weeks and then move on to another. For instance, you could start today by eliminating all sugary drinks or all sweets. Here is an wonderful article about diet and nutrition that can help: You will find lots of links to other articles within the article as well. Have your doctor referred you to a dietician? If not, it might be wise to ask. A dietician who specializes in diabetes can look at your current way of eating and help you make achievable changes. I hope this helps. Please reach out as you get started on this journey whenever you need more resources. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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