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Diagnosed about a year ago

I'm a 41 year old male.

Got diagnosed last july. Type 2.
So far on a low dose of metformin and a1c is in 6-7 range most if the time.
I just wanted to say hi to you all.
And I look forward to talking to you guys about this situation we face.
I think I'm mostly "sound", but now and then I panic, wondering about how long I have, and my future.
Glad you guys are here.

  1. , Thanks for commenting and sharing. You are not alone here. Hello back to you. Please reach out here anytime, we're here to support you. Keep up the good work. Best, Kelly, Community Moderator

    1. Hi I am 72 year old male and have been diabetic for 12 years. I was shocked when I got the diagnosis, but I got over the surprise and continued living life without worrying too much about it. If you are able to keep your blood glucose in control that is most of the battle with this condition. I have had to take several different types of medication over the years, but it always came down to how well the medication was able to help me keep in control of blood glucose. It is really good to maintain a relationship with your doctor so he can order blood tests on a regular basis so you can see how you are doing. Good luck to you. And if you think about life, I did have an uncle who was diagnosed with Type 2 when he was 60 years old. He died recently at age 94 and had a good life with relatively little complications.

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