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Diabetic Neuropathy (numbness in fingers)

I've had uncontrolled type 2 diabetes for about 10 years.
In those 10 years I did absolutely nothing to improve my situation.
This year I decided to clean up my act and take my diabetes seriously.
I cut out ALL sweets, improved my diet, lost 50 lbs. and got my A1C from the 10s to 5.6.
Wouldn't you know it, after cleaning up my act (apparently too late)
my fingers recently started to get numb.
My PCP says it's from may years of uncontrolled diabetes.
I understand this is not reversible.
Does that mean it will never go away and i'll have this numbness for the rest of my life?

  1. Hi James808, check with your doctor for advice on natural supplements that can help control the pain (there ae a couple that are useful in lessening the pain of neuropathy), maybe alternative therapies like accupuncture TENS units. Even capsaicin creams help some people by disrupting the pain signals in the nerves. Please remember to always check with your doctor before adding or remving anything from your treatment protocol. - Warmly, Donna (team member)

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