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Diabetes Prevention/Management

My father was diagnosed with Diabetes a few months ago and since then he's had to take certain steps in order to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and he's doing really well now. I've learned so much about it, the causes which I'm sure most people are aware of, and prevention. One of the best things I've really deep dived into and learned was about prevention. I'm really interested in sharing what I've learned, if anyone is interested to hear

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! How awesome that your father is doing so well. It can be difficult to adjust to life with diabetes so quickly. We have lots of family members and caregivers of people with type 2 diabetes in this community, so please know you are welcome to jump in with comments on articles, forums and status updates. You can also share what you have learned in our Stories section. Here is a link: Please feel free to reach out to me or any other team member if you need help. I look forward to reading what you have learned. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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