HI . Congratulations on bringing your numbers down. That's wonderful. Have you talked with your doctor about your current blood sugar levels and your desire to be medication-free? We are not medical experts, so we can't safely tell you whether you can go without medication, but 300 is very high, especially if you remain at that level for a while before it comes down. I would be surprised if any doctor was comfortable with not recommending medication at least until get your blood sugar levels mostly under control. When you were diagnosed, did your doctor refer you to a registered dietician who specializes in diabetes? A good dietician will help you find foods that are low in glucose, but also make you feel satisfied. The visits are usually covered by insurance. Here is an article about diabetes, diet and nutrition that might interest you: https://type2diabetes.com/diet-nutrition. Please talk with your doctor if you haven't already and keep us posted as to how you are doing. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)