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Backpacking with diabetes 2

I am new to diabetes 2. I will be going hunting/camping and need ideas for quick/on the go breakfast ideas.

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! Here is an article from one of our advocates with ideas for breakfast on the go that might interest you: Egg sandwiches can be good if you use low-carb bread and lean sausage or Canadian bacon. Nuts make for a healthy, low-carb, high protien breakfast as well. I hope this helps and that you get lots of input from the community. Happy hunting and hiking! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. My husband goes deep sea fishing, so he's out for hours at a time. He packs hard-boiled eggs, oatmeal, trail mix, raisins, peanuts, and protein bars. Have fun hunting and camping. Diane (Team Member)

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