A drop of blood.

A Review of The A1c Test

November is National Diabetes Month. In honor of this very important month I would like to review the Hemoglobin A1c test (also referred to as A1c).

What is the A1c test?

  • The A1c test is a measure of your average blood glucose over the past 2 to 3 months.
  • The A1c test measures how much glucose attaches to the hemoglobin portion of red blood cells.
  • The higher the blood glucose is, the more glucose that will attach to hemoglobin, thus increasing A1c.
    • Hemoglobin is a protein in the red blood cell responsible for carrying oxygen body tissues.
    • Red blood cells are constantly forming and dying. The average lifespan of a red blood cell is 3 months.

Why is the A1c test done?

  • The A1c test can be done to diagnose diabetes and is also used to assess diabetes control for those with established diabetes.
  • The Diabetes Control and Complications Trials (DCCT) was a landmark study that showed that tight glycemic control, as measured by A1c, could reduce the risk of microvascular complications (such as retinopathy and nephropathy).

When is the test done?

  • The test can be done at any time of day and does not require fasting

How often should I have it done?

  • The 2015 Standards of Medical Care In Diabetes recommends:
    • “Perform the A1C test at least two times a year in patients who are meeting treatment goals (and who have stable glycemic control)."
    • “Perform the A1C test quarterly in patients whose therapy has changed or who are not meeting glycemic goals”

What are the target A1c ranges?

  • Normal: 4 to 5.6 %
  • Pre-diabetes: 5.7 to 6.4 %
  • Diabetes Diagnosis: >6.5 % (* Repeat testing should be done in the absence of absolute hyperglycemia)

A1c goal if you have diabetes:

The 2015 Standards of Medical Care In Diabetes recommends:

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  • <7 % (for non-pregnant adults)
  • A lower goal, 6.5 %, may be recommended for those with short duration of type 2 diabetes, long life expectancy, treatment is either lifestyle changes or Metformin and there is no significant history of cardiovascular disease

How do I calculate my average blood glucose from my A1c test?

Estimated average glucose (eAG) is calculated as follows:

  • eAG= (A1c x 28.7) – 46.7
  • Example:
    • A1c: 8 %
    • eAG: 183
      • (8 x 28.7) – 46.7

What conditions may cause a falsely high or falsely low A1c test result?

  • False LOW A1c
    • Hemolysis (premature breakdown of red blood cells)
    • Certain hemoglobinpathies (inherited group of blood disorders)
    • Chronic liver disease
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Recent blood transfusion
    • High triglycerides
    • Certain medications (make sure to keep your physician up to date on all your current medications)
  • False HIGH A1c
    • Iron deficiency
    • Vitamin B 12 deficiency
    • Alcoholism
    • Uremia (buildup of urea and other waste products in blood)
    • Hyperbilirubinemia (abnormally high level of bilirubin in the blood)
    • Certain medications (make sure to keep your physician up to date on all your current medications)

You might be asking, “What should I do with the above information?”

  • First things first, talk with your physician.
  • Ask your doctor about the A1c test. How often should you have the A1c test done and what is your A1c target (based on your current diabetes management)?
  • If you A1c is above target, ask your physician about lifestyle changes (i.e. diet, exercise) that may help lower A1c and if/when medication is indicated (if you are already on medication a change may be necessary to help you reach your goal).
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