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My Diabetes Journey Before, During, and After Pregnancy

I am going back in time, but I thought it necessary to share this part of my journey. Pregnancy was a difficult journey for me, taking care of that little life growing inside me.

The most significant responsibility was keeping baby safe and providing them with everything to ensure they were developing properly. Having diabetes on top of pregnancy made everything more overwhelming.

The journey of pregnancy with diabetes

Although carrying a child was such an amazing feeling, I was also concerned for his well-being and my health issues. More than that, I was constantly thinking about many things that could go wrong if I was not careful.

Planning ahead: consulting my doctor

After my husband and I decided to start our own little family of joy and happiness, I consulted with my doctor, who was taking care of my diabetes along with other chronic illnesses, and told her about our plan.

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My doctor was my most noteworthy supporter during this whole journey. I took pre-pregnancy supplements to prepare my body for this incredible journey. Also, going to counseling was helpful because, at times, emotions became too overwhelming. To process these emotions, sometimes you need additional support.

Preparing for pregnancy allowed me to stay active and control my blood sugar so my body could be ready to harbor a baby safely.

Fighting challenging symptoms while pregnant

Honestly, after I became pregnant, this phase felt very turbulent. I had intense food cravings, I used to be hungry all the time, and staying active was becoming challenging each day. My sleep-wake cycle was also upside down.

My doctor had to switch me to insulin shots for a short time because oral medicines were not suitable for my pregnancy.

Turning to my support system

There were times when I felt lost. I often felt tired and low on energy, but my husband kept me going. Whenever I was not satisfied with my efforts to be healthy and active, when I was unable to hold my craving or hunger, he offered me the support I needed.

There were also times when I thought I would be unable to pull it off. I asked myself, "Would I be able to bring another healthy child into this world?" I was trying my best.

Giving birth to my son motivated me

When I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, it was like a dream coming to life. Those soft little, small hands brought my zeal for life. We were so happy to have him in our arms; he completed us in ways unimaginable.

With that kind of love coming to life, the responsibility to take care of my diabetes grew even stronger. I have to be healthy to catch up with every bit of progress my son makes.

We wanted to run with him on the grass and hold his hands when he took his first step. Every little miracle that happened was due to his presence.

Keeping my diabetes in check

I also started my post-pregnancy counseling sessions; my doctor was there all along to ensure my health and diabetes were controlled.

My pregnancy with diabetes was much more complicated than without, but it was worth fighting for. The aim should be maintaining a healthy lifestyle and building a support system.

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