balloons with icons on them of a smile, stacked rocks, a pot, a sneaker, and a book

New Year, a Better You

We all know the phrase, "new year, new you." For 2022 push for your goals to be an extension of your journey. Your past needs not to be forgotten but rather seen as the foundation to a better you.

Five habits for a healthier year ahead

This year, I will try implementing these 5 suggestions for a healthier year. You can try them too.

1. Learn new recipes and meals

We all know meal planning is very important in the diabetes journey. Sometimes we get comfortable with the foods we consume and forget that there are a plethora of meals to try. Take this time to find a new restaurant or a new meal idea from Pinterest or on the recipes page. Let me tell you; I have found so many new food combinations that are diabetic friendly, that's unbelievable.

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2. Change up the exercise routine

As mentioned above, we must also apply a learner's mindset to exercise. For instance, simply switching up your exercise routine (or starting one) can improve your workout process. Maybe add more cardio or strength training. Try out that machine you always walk past when in the gym. You can even try a new activity. One of the things I have embarked on is bike riding.

3. Find hobbies to lower your stress levels

If I say anything, I want you to hear me on this: LOWER YOUR STRESS LEVEL. Find ways to keep your calming spirit, well, calm. More so, take breaks when needed, find a hobby you enjoy that eases your mind while providing fulfillment. Reading a book is very calming to me because it makes me have to focus and process to understand what I am consuming. E-books are LIFE.

4. Protect your energy

Tip number four ties into keeping the stress levels down in number three. Above all, guard your positive energy, Don't let negative people come into your space to throw you off track. Stay away from "Energy Vampires" or "Path Pirates." They will invade your space and bring unnecessary roadblocks and drama that will cause you to fall off your diabetic path more than often. Eliminate those that have a bad influence on your lifestyle and health. That includes close friends and family.

5. Make time for self-care that fills your cup

Sometimes as people with diabetes, we forget to give ourselves the proper care needed. However you define self-care, make sure you give yourself that personal attention. Take time for yourself to get right to be better prepared for the day. When you are mentally balanced, you will make better decisions about your diabetes management. I get my manicure and pedicures with massages every other week. Listen, this 6-foot tall, life-size teddy bear sips wine in a massage chair on the regular!

The take-away

Learn something new about yourself. Find ways to stay away from high-stress environments while maintaining your positive energy. Discover new foods, cultures, and meals that are diabetic-friendly. However you choose to spend 2022, prioritize yourself in it.

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