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The Emotional Impact of Gaining Weight

My life was pretty much on track when the pandemic first started. Then, alongside millions of others, the pandemic turned my life upside down. With so many other changes it brought to my life, the biggest challenge I faced at that time was steadiness.

My routine gradually changed

Yes, my life turned static some days, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. My active routine rotated to a slow, mundane sleep-wake cycle with no productivity. I paid the least attention to my meals, medications, and exercise. I was practically living a life of a sloth.

Reality hit me hard when laziness gradually became a big part of my new routine, and my motivation to finish daily chores and office work started taking a toll on me. I found it harder to convince myself to walk down a flight of steps for work or to even go to the kitchen to cook food.

Losing motivation to control my diabetes

Basically, I was eating anything and everything, assuming that my type 2 diabetes would still be under control. I overlooked that I was leading such an unhealthy routine because I was still healthy in my mind. Little did I know that I was gaining weight.

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Realizing my clothes didn't fit

How did I allow this to happen? Because living in pajamas did not let me view myself differently. I was shocked when I couldn't fit into some of my clothes. What? I was terrified, shocked, and had teary eyes.

What had happened? I was taking my medications on time and as directed. So many questions came into my brain, and I became extremely stressed. Eventually, I was not motivated to continue my treatment, not ready to open up and talk to anybody, and became dormant.

Support from my husband and doctor

I will give full credit to my husband for bringing me out of this pit. He literally dragged me out of my room and made me call my doctor. I cried on my first teleconference appointment, but at least I got to vent with my doctor. Good thing I did.

I shared my pain, my insecurities, and my deepest fears. It was such a relief. My doctor helped me get back on my feet. It was not a miracle that happened overnight. I learned to take small steps to regain control of my life and health.

Small steps to building a new routine

I started by waking up early even when there were no work calls or commitments. I restarted my workouts, and although the weight gained took time to shed off, the emotional relief I felt began to come to the surface.

My blood sugar, which skyrocketed after this emotional turmoil, was steadily returning to normal ranges. But let me be clear here; controlling my diabetes did not happen magically. I had to change my perspective and my lifestyle again.

My doctor suggested a shift in my medicines because certain medications in my treatment plan promote weight gain since they increase blood sugar absorption through insulin production.

Diabetes management includes social support

Between medications, working out, and a stable, simple routine with nutritious meals helped me get back to life. But the most critical role was support from my husband, family, and friends. Their unwavering support and care showed me that there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Recommit to getting back on track

If you get off track, it's not the end of the world. I would suggest that stay in contact with your doctor. It's become easier now to be virtually connected through telehealth services. This is the best-kept secret.

If you are taking several medications, as I am, be sure to ask your doctor about side effects and what to expect from certain medicines. You need to be aware of any changes that might appear. If you fell off the wagon as I did, you can jump back on any time. Good luck, my T2D warriors!

This or That

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