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New to the T2 world and frustrated at how information is spread out in the online world so I came to a forum. Far too many online searches result in an advertisement or very general information.

Recently diagnosed with Type2 and my doctor prescribed XIGDUO XR 5-500mg. My AIC was an 11. After 3 months of the XIGDUO XR it was a 6.8. Hopefully, the next 3 months bring it down farther. I was wondering if anyone else is on this medication for their T2 and what their experiences have been.

First week I had an upset stomach but that was really it. It changed my how my poop was/is but I've not had much in the area of side affects. I do realize that my dosage is a minimal one.

  1. Thank you for reaching out, SeanE, and welcome to the community! I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, but am happy that you found this community; a great resource for you.

    Congratulations on getting your A1C down quickly, that's a great step in a positive direction. As far as the medication you're on, you can check in with our community on Facebook as well. Hopefully they will have more information for you.

    Please let us know if you have any questions. We are always here to help however we can!

    Best wishes,
    Samuel, community moderator

    1. Welcome to this community! If you need any help, we are willing to extend all that we can.

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