HI Everyone
I have been absent from this site for a long time. Just busy.
I have quite the thing happening and I am concerned and frustrated. Within the past week and a half I have started getting frequent lows in the morning, middle of the night and then now tonight within an hour of eating dinner I hit 3.2!
The only thing different in the last month was I haven't snacked as much after dinner. Nothing else has changed. I just cannot keep my sugars up enough. I have even been lowering my insulin at bed and meal times. I have lowered my meal time by 4 units and then the bedtime so far by 6 units. I also started taking Jardiance at lunch instead of breakfast. I spoke to my diabetes educator but he didn't offer too much help. He said I am doing what I should be by lowering things. But why am I all of a sudden dropping like this. Literally nothing has changed. It is so hard to manage especially because I work with toddlers and I can't just stop and check.
Any ideas??