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Sugars during menstrual cycle?

Today is Day 2 and my bedtime was 128 yesterday - I woke up with a 150 FBS! My recent FBS has been in 130's (looks like post COVID effect and trying to improve them).

My last cycle , I used to have FBS in 110-120 range and period would take them to 130-140 range for 5-6 days and then again back to 110-120 (with similar food and exercise routine).

Has anyone else noticed this impact of menstrual cycle on FBS? Any suggestions on how to keep it in check?

  1. Hi , thanks for sharing this topic here with us. After searching our articles, I'm not seeing anything that specifically fits your question. I will reach out to the type 2 diabetes editorial staff and alert them that this would be a great topic to cover. In the meantime, I'm curious if other community members have experienced a similar change in FBS while on their period. Thanks for bringing up this topic. All the best, Lauren (team member)

    1. Hi . I hope Lauren is able to persuade our staff to write an article about this because it is such a great topic. Here is an article from one of our advocates who mentions that her blood sugars always rise the week before her period: I know that I have seen mentions of this topic in other discussions, but I can't seem to locate them in our archives either. I hope you get some input from the community. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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