Hi . Welcome to the community! What a shock this must have all been for you. I am glad your doctor has you in PT. That can be really helpful. Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetic neuropathy, if that is what you are experiencing. You can do PT to restore function, and keeping your blood sugar under control will prevent or slow progression. There are several medications that can provide pain relief as well. Here is an article about neuropathy and its treatments that might interest you: https://type2diabetes.com/complications/neuropathy. Exercise is really good for people with neuropathy. It improves circulation and can reduce overall pain along with potential complications. So try to keep it up if you can. If you can't run/hike, try swimming or using an elliptical. Anything to keep your blood flowing. The nervous system is still a scientific mystery for the most part. Even though there is no cure, you never know what might help and whether some nerves might actually heal a bit or become desensitized. So try to keep up the faith if you are able. You might never get worse than you are now and you might even improve with PT and medication. I have nerve damage in my foot from surgery more than six years ago. My doctor said that any healing would be complete after a year and that it would never get better after that. Two years ago, I couldn't wear a sneaker or a boot without significant pain. For some reason, I can wear them again now. Only for a few hours, but I'll take it. You never know. With all that said, are you confident there are no other health conditions contributing to your leg and hand pain? Once you get a diagnosis, it is easy to blame everything on diabetes. It might be worth visit with a neurologist just to be sure and maybe to get some better treatment options. I wish I had better answers. Hopefully, others will chime in. Please know we are here for you and keep us posted if you don't mind sharing. You will be in my thoughts. - Lori (Team Member)