Hi , thank you for your question. I hope others are able to chime in with their experiences. I searched the site, but wasn't able to come across any members detailing their experiences with red light therapy. In the meantime, while you wait for responses if you are interested in reading a bit more about neuropathy, here is some information we have on-site: https://type2diabetes.com/complications/neuropathy
Minel (Team Member)
ecumbroc Member
Last Updated:
These are great links! Thank you for sharing these.
minelcannucciari Community Admin
Last Updated:
, of course! Glad they were interesting. Happy to help where ever I can. Best, Minel (Team Member)
minelcannucciari Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi there, hope you've been doing well. I just wanted to follow up with you. I shared your question with our community members on Facebook, if you're interested in reading their responses: https://www.facebook.com/Type2Diabetesdotcom/posts/2190951574387555. One person did mention that they tried red light, but it was quite costly. Best, Minel (Team Member)
CommunityMember879e77 Member
Last Updated:
Left Finger
Lori.Foster Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi . Do you have neuropathy in your fingers? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)
CommunityMemberdbdc35 Member
Last Updated:
Lori.Foster Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi . Does Gabapentin successfully relieve your symptoms? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)