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Prednisone and diabetes

I was on prednisone awhile ago and discovered it can raise my blood sugar sky high, as well as my blood pressure. Has anyone else experienced this? I am usually low instead of high.

  1. Thanks for reaching out. Yes, steroids (which Prednisone is) can certainly raise blood sugars. Are you still taking Prednisone? Have your blood sugars leveled out? I'd encourage you to speak with your doctor about any new, changing or concerning symptoms, if you haven't already. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article may be helpful: Best, Kelly, Community Moderator

    1. Whenever I have a COPD flareup I have to take prednisone. I also have to really keep an eye on my sugar levels. One strange thing is in the summer if I go out and sit on the bench outside my apartment for a few minutes my sugar will drop. Good luck!

      1. The effect of the sun on your blood sugar is really interesting, . Have you ever asked your doctor about it? - Lori (Team Member)

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