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I was diagnosed t2d Jan 2020 and I’m a foodie. Sigh. I’ve tried every pasta alternative I could find, looking for fiber and protein so the carbs don’t race through my system. I have not been impressed, with one exception. Barilla +Protein is delicious. Though it has less fiber than whole wheat pasta, it also has more protein. It’s higher in both fiber and protein than regular semolina pasta. I’m calling it a win. Doesn’t spike my blood sugar and taste/texture of regular pasta!

  1. I agree, the Barilla high protein pasta is amazing. Now cauliflower pizza, on the other hand, makes one never wanting to eat pizza again so I guess that works, too. Lots of WW zero points recipes are low in carbs and really good if you are into cooking.

    1. Whole wheat noodles

      1. Eat Water. It has 0 carbs and is from the Konjac root

        1. The taste is neutral but they do need a good rinse. The consistency is rubbery but I usually put them in some sort of home made low carb sauce.

          I’ve heard people complain about their taste and consistency to which I reply that as T2 Diabetics we do not have the luxury of being picky about our foods. I’d rather put up with some issues than face painful and fatal complications of Diabetes because I was too fussy about what I ate!

        2. Hi . You've made me curious now. I will have to give them a try. Thanks for sharing! - Lori (Team Member)

      2. This is my favorite pasta, . We began eating it about 15 years ago because my oldest is vegetarian and we wanted to make sure he had enough protien. It is the only pasta I have ever made for my two youngest. The whole family loves it. The texture is much more pleasant than whole grain pastas and the taste is not much different from white pasta. Thanks for sharing this. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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