I’m very stressed with my diabetes, I really hate diabetes, it causes me so much stress. When first diagnosed I was really scared, I lost weight stuck to a strict diet, did a lot of walking didn’t go on medications wanted to do this all by diet and exercise. This was nine years ago. I was so scared I didn’t want my husband to go anywhere in case I got a low. The extreme fear came from going to the diabetes classes when they told us all what could happen, and one was if you get a low you could go into a coma. I’m Type 2 by the way, forgot to mention this. So I ended up with really bad anxiety after hearing all this, and so much fear. I was put on anti anxiety medication and antidepressants, the side effects were terrible, my eyes felt weird and couldn’t sleeping,both meds made me feel groggy to during the day, I was more stressed because of the side effects, then put on a sleeping pill, but these were side effects from the meds. I tried to wean off the antidepressant but the withdrawals were horrible so went back on the dose I was on,doc said to take all meds at night. So I did but could not sleep, that’s when I was given a sleeping pills. This was nine years ago and now been off the sleeping pill for years now and now can’t sleep this has been going on for about six years. This is how diabetes has effected my life. Stress anxiety, and sleepless nights, and depression.
Have any of you experienced all this, is anyone else on medication for depression and anxiety because of there diabetes? Or is this burnout.