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Looking for a doctor that could help me get off meds

I have been taking metformin for 30 years. I also was taking Felicity. I took myself off Felicity then the doctor said I was doing good so I didn’t need to be on it anymore. I was taking 1000 g of metformin now I’m taking 500 mg of metformin without my doctors help needed a doctor that can help me anyone have any suggestions?

  1. Hi . Was the 500 mg prescribed by your doctor? Is the issue that your doctor is not listening to you or regularly checking your A1C? How are your blood sugar levels on 500 mg? Are there other doctors you might consider seeing for a second opinion or to replace your current doctor if the relationship is no longer a good one? I think we need a little more information, if you do mind, in order to support you in the best possible way. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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