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Interesting observation

I've had type 2 for several years now and use Ozempic. It has kept my A1c in check, but my pin prick numbers have never been extremely low. About a week ago, I began drinking Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio wine. My numbers have been below 100. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. I will continue my experiment. Maybe it's the grapes, maybe the soil where the grapes are grown - I don't know. Maybe I found the natural cure for Type 2. Those Romans must have known something!

  1. Hi . One of my favorite wines! I am glad you were able to enjoy a glass or two after all these years. Alcohol of any kind can lower blood sugar for up to 24 hours because it blocks the production of glucose in the liver. So, while it's okay to imbibe sometimes, you have to keep a really close watch on your blood sugar in case it drops too low, especially if you are also taking medication. The symptoms of hypoglycemia can mimic those of drunkenness, so friends or family might not realize you are in danger if your blood sugar drops too low and you might not be able to articulate it. Here is a wonderful article about diabetes and alcohol that might interest you: I hope this helps and that you can continue to enjoy your nightly glass of Pinot Grigio with no issues. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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