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Insulin Reaction

About a year ago I switched from Humulin N to Novalin N when I changed insurance coverage. Since that time I have had a few adverse 'reactions'. It starts almost immediately after I inject. It starts with a metallic taste in my mouth followed by muscle contractions in my chest and arms. Some mild difficulty breathing. Last for 5 minutes or so. I have discussed with my doctor and he thinks it is low blood sugar. I did have a very low reading one time immediately after the reaction but most other times it is normal or elevated. Anybody else have these symptoms?

  1. , While I do not have personal experience with these side effects or symptoms, it's worth noting that many of the symptoms you described are associated with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). There are some treatment tips in this article: Did your doctor recommend any treatments or tips?
    Gabby (team member)

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