Hi . Welcome to the community! I am glad you found us, especially now when you really need some support. Are you newly diagnosed? A new diagnosis can be super overwhelming, but it can be helpful to remember that this isn't a race. You have spent an entire lifetime developing your current eating habits and it will take time to change them. If you have to take medication or a higher dose of medication while you work on it, that is perfectly okay. Here is a wonderful article about type 2 diabetes and grief that might help you feel less alone: https://type2diabetes.com/living/coping-grieving. Can you tell us more specifically what is distressing you most? Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)
lauren.mullin Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi Chrissy, I wanted to add to Lori's helpful post. Another article that you may find interesting is 'Living with Diabetes'. https://type2diabetes.com/living-with-t2d This article reviews a broad spectrum of topics realted to Type 2 Diabetes. Let us know what you think! -Lauren (team member)