Hi . Please don't worry about offending anyone. We are here to support you, no matter how you are feeling. You are far from alone in your anxiety. It is a normal and natural reaction to grieve what you have lost when you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. It is also okay to let yourself feel that way and to mourn for a while if you need to. Here is a wonderful article from one of our advocates about the grief that can come from a diagnosis: https://type2diabetes.com/living/coping-grieving. I hope it helps. Over time, you will, hopefully, come to see that diabetes doesn't have to control you or define you. Eating right requires a lot of mental energy and planning right now, but it won't always be so overwhelming. Many things will become second-nature and will no longer be in the forefront of your emotional landscape. For now, give yourself a break. It took you 34 years to develop your current eating and exercise habits. Allow yourself time to change them. As for your long-term health, you might be surprised to find you are in better shape as you move into your senior years than your peers. People who have chronic illnesses often take better care of themselves and visit doctors more often. They are more likely to catch everything from high blood pressure to cancer super early and to fare well with treatment or lifestyle changes. Those who are accustomed to good health and take it for granted are more likely to be suprised by major health events, such as cardiac issues, arthritis and cancer, that are already far gone. Did your doctor refer you a dietician who specializes in diabetes? A dietician can be super helpful in navigating social functions and holidays that center around food and in developing meals that work for the whole family. If you find that your emotional health is not improving over time, you might also want to see a therapist who specializes in chronic illnesses. Every situation is different and maybe you need that extra boost that therapy can provide. Please still around here and reach out whenever you need us. We're here for you. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)