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Diets for diabetes management?

I have heard of three different types of diets for Diabetes — low carb, plant based/keto and low fat/ high carb. It is so confusing. How do I make sense of it all?

  1. , It is complicated and hard to make sense of. You are not alone in that feeling. There is no one "perfect" diet plan for everyone who is managing diabetes. Some people have found that adopting one of the diets you have listed has been helpful in their own diabetes management journey, but everyone's body is different and responds differently. This article explains a bit more about the keto approach and the thought process of adopting a specific diet plan: What's more important than following one specific diet plan, is to be mindful of what nutrients you are adding to your body. This article lays out more generally which types of foods to avoid and which to embrace: It's all about moderation, continuously checking your levels, communicating with your doctor and figuring out what works best for your unique body along the way.
    Gabby (team member)

    1. Hi, there! I know firsthand how frustrating and challenging it can be to make sense of your diet and nutrition while learning about the many different diet options you could pursue. Gabby brought up a lot of great points. I want to add an article that can serve as a beginner-friendly guide to learning more about diet and nutrition in general. It's great to start with and isn't overwhelming as you dive into this area more. You can access it here- I hope this helps and you're more than welcome to ask more questions here! Warmly, Latoya (Team Member)

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