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Diabetes medications…

When I was diagnosed 11 years ago, I decided to manage my diabetes by diet and excercise, because of side effects of medications, that I was told by my doctor then, he said the side effects from Metformin are diarrhea and stomache issues, the reason I chose diet and exercise was what I also learnt from others on this medication. One said they could not tolerate the diarrhea and nausea, another told me she has to dash to the bathroom when she starts work because of the diarrhea, another told me his stomache was always upset, ect ect. So that’s when I said to myself I am not going on Metformin that’s it. I was already having side effects from my other medications (antidepressants) which is another ball game all together. So here I am 11 years later still having difficulty with antidepressant and no real help. The dose is to high and makes me groggy unless I have some Diet Pepsi, now is this ideal no it is not, and to come off these drugs is another story, so I’m kind of stuck on them, I know what my issue was when diagnosed it was pure fear, not anxiety disorder, my old doctor was not good with my diagnoses, he was t very supportive at all, and this new doctor is new into being a doctor really young can’t relate to him, and he’s leaving to move to Alberta in a year so I don’t even want to start with him, I want a doctor who knows a lot about diabetes and is understanding what you go through everyday if there is such a thing. He was kinda of shocked I wasnt on diabetes medications.
When I was diagnosed, my sugars were 11 and they went down down as I changed everything diet and starting walking lost 30lbs, and have lost a little to much I think in the last year, so trying to gain a few. It concerns me I’m 5’2 and weigh 120 I’m 61 is that to low of weight?

  1. HI . Only you and your doctor can really decide what is a healthy weight for you. We are all built differently - big-boned, small-boned, lots of muscle, no muscle, broad build, narrow build - that it is hard to compare one person to another. How do you feel about your weight? No doubt Metformin can have some undesirable side effects for some people, but those issues usually dimish over time. Other people experience none at all. Some members of this community have said the timed-release Metformin causes less stomach and instestinal upset. I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful holiday. Lots of hugs! - Lori (Team Member)

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