New Diagnosis
I was diagnosed on a whim
I knew something was wrong
My aide and I knew as soon as I got sick and couldn’t get better no matter what I did that the doctors were missing something and knew it was diabetes. I had a lump develop on the side of my back that got bigger in a weeks time and my chronic pain got unbearable so I went to my pcp who in turn called the er and talked to the dr to tell him I’d be there in a few minutes to have it drained.
Finally getting answers
Next thing I knew a ton of labs were drawn and had multiple Iv's and insulin going. Admitted to icu as my A1c was around 10! Look luckily a week and a half later they let me go home with insulin. I had been in dka and not knowing I was diabetic (officially) they drained the lump which was from a severe bladder/kidney infection and I almost lost that kidney. Luckily my dr sent me that day. They said he saved my life.
Getting my A1C back on track
I managed to get my a1c down to 5.1 with a great home health aide and my knowledge of diabetes from when I was a kid and my dad became diabetic. Along with insulin we managed everything with food and due to severe Gi issues and another surgery months after the dka I was put on an additional diet restriction of low fiber. That’s how I got my a1c down and hopefully I can keep it there without anything other than my daily shot.
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